
In following well-establisged programming practice, we will aim to keep a log of changes here to make it easier for you to immediately see which items have been updated. More recent items will be at the top.

30 November 2019

  • Final set of slides: Rcpp part III, and brief Summary/Outlook

24 November 2019

  • Uploaded slides for Rcpp parts I and II

17 November 2019

  • Uploaded slides on C++ parts I and II

10 November 2019

  • New slides on Docker parts I and II

02 November 2019

  • New slides on packaging (part II) and rscript & r

27 October 2019

  • New slides on Shiny dashboards and packaging (part I)

20 October 2019

  • New slides on base + lattice graphics, as well as ggplot2

12 October 2019

  • New lecture slides on parallel computing / big data with R, and efficient R programming

06 October 2019

  • New lecture slides on data.table and dplyr

29 Septembre 2019

  • Lecture slides on R data input / output and data wrangling

22 Septembre 2019

  • Lecture slides on R data structures and control flow

16 Septembre 2019

  • Clarified that quizzes, just like homework, score ‘best five of six.
  • Added notes to the FAQ about and online-but-not-really-remote

15 Septembre 2019

  • New lecture slides on SQL-2 and RStudio; short video
  • Clarify on-campus nature in overview and syllabus overview

08 Septembre 2019

  • New lecture slides on Markdown and SQL-1
  • New short video about week 3, homework 1, quiz 1, …

04 Septembre 2019

  • Added homework schedule for Fall 2019
  • Mention git credential caching on the lecture04 page

01 Septembre 2019

  • New lecture slides plus extra video about Google Form and GitHub

28 August 2019

  • Updated schedule with CBTF times

25 August 2019

  • Initial two lectures and videos posted

July 2019

  • Some updates to site

June 2019

  • Starting to preparare Fall 2019 instance for STAT 430